Over 2000 primary school resources including assemblies, games, activities, presentations and more! All resources have been tried and tested and most cost less than a cup of coffee. Thank you for visiting.
Over 2000 primary school resources including assemblies, games, activities, presentations and more! All resources have been tried and tested and most cost less than a cup of coffee. Thank you for visiting.
A 13-Slide PowerPoint + 2 Physical Activity Worksheets
Contents of PowerPoint:
Muscle Power
Heart and Lungs
Pulse Rate
Resting Pulse Rate
Exercise and Pulse Rate
Muscles and Oxygen
The Pumping Heart
The Heart and Blood
Also included is a physical activity chart - to identify the physical and non-physical activities your student’s do in a week. This activity is ideal for all children, adolescents AND adults. Once completed, IF your student’s think their physical and non-physical activity levels need adjusting, they can design a new chart that aims to improve their overall lifestyle and wellbeing.
Ideal for 7+ but can easily be adapted to suit all age groups.
All resources are fully editable.
Real-life superheroes!
When the children think of superheroes, they might think of Superman, Superwoman, Spiderman, Batman, Iron Man, Thor and people like that. People with super powers.
In real life though, people can’t fly and they don’t have x-ray vision. But some real-life people are VERY special and are real-life heroes because they do amazing things, they have amazing talents or they do incredible things for other people. These people could be called, ‘REAL LIFE SUPER HEROES’ … Special people who do special things.
Attached are 3 great activities:
Activity 1: To learn about an amazing SUPER SPACE HERO called Neil Armstrong. There is a video to watch and some questions to answer.
Activity 2: To learn about an amazing lady called Mother Teresa. When she was alive, she was a SUPER KIND PERSON and she gave her life to helping the poor and sick. There is a cartoon to watch and some questions to answer.
Activity 3: To learn about A SUPER SPEEDY HERO called Usain Bolt. He is the fastest man on Earth! There is a cartoon to watch and a few questions to answer.
Each activity booklet is 6 pages long and contains information about the character, a video link and questions.
Answer sheets included.
Ideal for 6+
Healthy Body, Healthy Mind Bundle:
Healthy or Unhealthy Foods - 2 worksheets.
Health and Growth - Healthy Foods.
Healthy Body, Healthy Mind (2 worksheets).
Teeth and Healthy Eating Class Assembly.
Health and Exercise - Lifestyle and Activity Levels.
Health and Exercise - POWERPOINT.
Tai Chi Time - PowerPoint & Music.
Online Learning - Computer and Desk Stretches.
Mental Health & Wellness Activities - to do in class or at home.
Healthy or Unhealthy Foods - 2 worksheets.
DT - Design & make a Healthy Sandwich.
Health and Growth - Healthy Foods.
Healthy Body, Healthy Mind (2 worksheets).
Teeth and Healthy Eating Class Assembly.
Mental Health & Wellness Activities - to do in class or at home.
Tai Chi Time - PowerPoint & Music.
Health and Exercise - Lifestyle and Activity Levels.
Health and Exercise - POWERPOINT
12 slides
Ideal for 9 years and above
Fully editable
Contents of slide show:
Why is exercise important?
How do muscles work during exercise?
What happens to your pulse rate during exercise?
Exercising Muscles and Joints
Independent Task
A 6-page booklet about Usain Bolt.
Page 1: What is a hero?
Page 2: Information about Usain Bolt and video/cartoon link.
Pages 3 to 5: Questions (and multiple choice answers) based on the video.
Page 6: A picture to colour in.
Answer booklet attached.
Fully editable.
5 fully editable sports day certificates (for boys and girls).
Categories: Biggest Jump, Fastest Sprint & Longest Throw.
Just add each child’s name.
Try having a ‘class’ sports afternoon/morning rather than a more traditional ‘whole school’ approach!
Attached is a simple but effective programme for sports day that includes 6 different activities. These are:
Standing Broad Jump
Egg and spoon
Quoit Scramble
Obstacle course
All activities can easily be adapted.
I’ve also included a sports field plan and 3 different group timetables (up to a maximum of 12 in each group).
Optional: You could order some ‘Ice Pops’ for the children (also integrated into the plan).
Approximately 20 minutes long.
Ideal if your class have been learning Folk Dancing in their PE/Dance lessons. If they haven’t, I’ve attached a Folk Dancing lesson plan (with music) to follow. Your student’s will hopefully love it!
Script, PowerPoint, music (2 options to choose from) and lesson plan attached.
**7 famous people to teach your class about: **
King Henry VIII.
Michael Jordan.
Neil Armstrong.
Mother Teresa.
Usain Bolt.
Christopher Columbus.
Slide shows, worksheets, videos and integrated activities.
Ideal for 6+
Fully editable.
Scotland - Unit of Work & PowerPoint (35 slides).
UK National Flowers - England, Scotland, N Ireland + Wales Scotland.
UK and Western Europe MAPS.
Scottish Shortbread Baking Activity.
Scottish Dancing (Lesson Plan & Music).
Scottish Traditional Clothing.
Scotland - TITLE Page.
Learning to Compromise - Worksheet.